Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sola Salako 555: Developing a National Consumer Protection Policy

Sola Salako 555: Developing a National Consumer Protection Policy

Sola Salako 555: Our Power Dilemma

Sola Salako 555: Our Power Dilemma

Sola Salako 555: Throwing a Shoe at the "Rebranding Nigeria" Project

Sola Salako 555: Throwing a Shoe at the "Rebranding Nigeria" Project  Rummaging through my archives...stumbled on this piece written when late Prof Dora Akunyili tried her hands at rebranding Nigeria..."Good People, Great Nation" remember? Fast forward to present day...the issues are still the same...after billions of naira has gone down the drain...is Nigeria a chronic case of never ending musical chairs? I pray not...please read